
A-Gan: A Handicapped Chinese Man’s Story – digg china

Video on Youku.

This video was uploaded to Youku one day ago. At this time, it has been watched over 683,000 times and has over 8300 comments. The title of the video is: China’s A-Gan’s Story (Part 1). “A-Gan” is “Gump,” like in Forrest Gump. Below are English translations of the Chinese subtitles and text in the video:

China’s A-Gan’s Story

“Being disabled is not a important, the key is mindset!
You must always always press on.
What you want will definitely succeed!”

His name is Zheng Xinyi, this year 27-years-old.
A Kuanghe country folk from Luotan County of Hubei Province.

At 2-years-old, Xinyi unfortunately developed a strange brain disease
–”adversive epilepsy/convulsions/seizures”,
Both upper limbs bent towards the body and twisted around,
Both hands unable to twist,
Mouth muscles slanted to one side, making it difficult to talk.

Even though he cannot use his two hands,
he can still take care of himself,
even though it is always that hard for him to do anything.

Putting on clothes is considered a simple matter.
But to him, it is this difficult.

Putting on this jacket took him two and a half minutes time.

“I have never said: “Okay, sure, help me!”
I have never said that before!
I say: “Thank you! No need I can do it myself!”

Being self-reliant, he never depends on other people.
He believes he can support himself with his own labor.
He supports himself by laying out a carpet selling small goods.

He never attended a single day of school.
However, by watching the words/subtitles on television,
he learned how to use his feet to write words,
and also send text messages.

He dreams that one day his body will recover,
So he often endures severe pain to work out his body,
making his two unusable arms receive exercise.

“No matter how difficult
I will not cry.”

To be continued…

Comments on Youku:

Brother, you are impressive. Jia you. It will get better. Jia you.

He has my admiration.
But he must be living very painfully.
Here I wish you [him] an early recovery.

Watching this video today, this is the first time I have cried since 5.12 [the Sichuan earthquake]. I genuinely hope the person who shot this video will not only put this on the internet. I hope you can help him. If he says he does not need help, you can still be his friend, because this brother needs people’s caring, so he knows that he also has good friends and good brothers. You are also about our age. If you need help, we will not just forget him after watching this video. If there is someone by his side, let him know I want to be friends with him and hope to give him a telephone call. Thank you. My QQ is 6133774. If it is convenient for that person, please let me speak with him. Thank you all. My telephone number is 13952021425. My wish is for you to be able to be the same as us. I hope God can make this wish come true.

I am a student, who does not like to study. After watching this video, I have found a deep strength, and I must at least do my healthy body justice [by studying hard].

Seeing this, I shout at those people who do not value their own lives to value their own hard to come by good fortune! Compared to him, you are already very blessed…so we must value our lives!!!

The government should cure him for free, because his mother must also depend on his labor to live! Hope this can move the government and all caring people!!!

So impressive, so strong, so moving, jia you, I will always support you!!!

I am relatively lazy. Although I have browsed Youku many times, I have never left a comment. Seeing your strength, seeing your attitude towards life, I now finally understand that simply having a healthy life itself is a kind of blessing. Thank you for teaching me a lesson, teaching me a rare lesson in determination. May God bless you with an early recovery.

Only tears, big brother, thank you, you have washed my mind [refreshed me].

If there was a kind-hearted and caring girl who could be at your side, your life may be a little easier and a little happier.

Truly moving, big brother, you are impressive! Compared to you, I am truly ashamed! I can no longer be confused/lost! I must pull myself together~

No matter what I must save this, so I can teach the next generation.

I am a man, but watching to the end, my eyes were moist, not because of sympathy, but because I was so moved. You are too great. I will keep using this video to encourage myself. Thank you.

I am of the post-90s generation. After seeing brother [him] like this, I feel I am so blessed.

I thank you, our good brother, your strength helped me understand that my current troubles are actually nothing. Thank you for giving me the strength to continue forward! Truly thank you!

See Also:

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