
Nanchang Long-Legged Beauty Disappoints Excited Internet Men – chinaSMACK - digg china

Two weeks ago, someone on Mop.com posted a topic called “Nanchang Rainstorm reveals long-legged beauty, Seeking the help of human flesh search engines:”

Long-legged Nanchang girl wearing boots walking in flood water

There was a brief news story with this picture about the short rainstorm that caused some flooding in Nanchang, China. In addition, the topic-starter also wrote:

This kind of figure, this kind of elegant leg! This really is rare high-quality goods! I am begging the human flesh search engines, please help me find this beautiful girl!

There were almost 1800 replies.

At the beginning, most of the replies were men excited by her long legs:

If I found her, it would be too late for you…

Just playing with these two legs can take up half the night!

If the topic-starter finds her, let me know! This one is worth 2000 RMB a night.

Such white legs, I like…

She walks very gracefully. I approve…

Motherfucker! That is my girlfriend!

I need to calm down, and do some push-ups

Head-turning ability very high

Men looking at long-legged Nanchang girl circled

Some people thought her long legs were not real:

Fuck, 100% fake, there’s definitely something in her shoes.

There is nothing in her shoes! But there are 3 bricks under her feet!

Is it that her legs that are long or is it her pants that are short?

Her lower legs are unrealistically long. Everyone, don’t be fooled. Her lower legs are even longer than the length between her knees to her thighs. Have you ever seen such a monster!!

Many questioned how the human flesh search engines could find her without a picture of her face and only a picture of her back:

Without even a picture of a face, you cannot search shit~

How can we search without a picture of her face?

Others warned against finding out what she really looks like:

Do not search anymore
Just let it be a beautiful memory
What if she turns around and she is “Fu Rong Jie Jie?” [pictures]

No front picture is even better…
Everyone can just fantasize…

See face = 500 years of regret!!

Maybe when she turns around, she turns out to be “Ru Hua.”

One word: Good!
But, I cannot hope to see her face. I am afraid to be disappointed!!!!
A blanket shaped like a penis

After seeing her legs, I do not dare see her face. I am afraid if she turns around, she will scare a cow to death.

Do not count on seeing the face, you will be disappointed. In this, I have much experience~~~

After 1129 replies, she was found and her face revealed…


No, it cannot be…

The front must not be looked upon!

How can her face be so big? This was not how it was supposed to be…

Too scary, I better go back to Mars.

Whoa…we should just continue looking at her back…

After seeing the front, my excitement was immediately calmed.

I am very unexcited now….

Whoa, I saw her after I turned on my monitor and it scared me so much I threw up my lunch.

Okay…legs are still not bad!!!

Well, body is not bad.

Wow, you guys were able to find her with just this.

This reporter is too cruel…

Her face has been revealed. In fact, she was found by a reporter.
Luckily, she is not a beauty. Otherwise I would have been heartbroken if she was and I did not find her earlier.

Already found by a reporter. Her name is Bing Bing, from Harbin, 26 years old, married, husband is from Nanchang.

Damn, I was afraid of her turning around. Suddenly, it is as if we arrived in Jurassic Park.

All the perverts’ dreams were extinguished.
That reporter is a heartless bastard. He should have left everyone with their dreams~

Not bad, still okay to insert.

The internet is truly formidable.  With just a picture of a person’s back, the internet can find who it is.

She was better before she was found.

Love the legs. Do not love the face.

What do you guys think? Are you disappointed?

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