
Chinese Olympic Team to Wear Tomato Scrambled Egg Uniforms – chinaSMACK - digg china

China’s Olympic Opening Ceremony uniforms were unveiled Thursday. The uniform’s designer, Liu Ruiqi,  said: “When the Chinese delegation comes out, they will certainly catch the eyes of the audience.

Chinese athletes wearing their 2008 Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony uniforms - Yao Ming, Liu Xiang, and Guo Jingjing shown

Many Chinese are not happy.

番茄炒蛋 = fan1 qie2 chao3 dan4 = a well-known Chinese dish made with tomatoes and scrambled eggs

我被雷到 = wo3 bei4 lei2 dao4 = I was struck by lightning (I was shocked)

Comments from KDS: “I wake up and suddenly, it is as if I am back in 1988” and “China’s Tomato Scrambled Eggs Uniform…Bring Lightning Rod When Coming In~


China's 2008 Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony uniforms

Like I said, if the Olympics are not held in Shanghai, Beijing people can only ruin it.

These outfits…one look and everyone will laugh until their big tooth falls out~~Do they have any aesthetic standards?

I thought Korean peasants had come to burn incense.

It reminds me of the tomato scrambled eggs dish.

It reminds me of a woman’s period and shit.

It is okay downloading

The key is to look at other countries’ uniforms and you will know how disgusting this is.

Really uncreative.

Color definitely must have red and yellow, but this design is too awful, like peasants coming to the city.

Please do not hold the Olympics in Shanghai, I will thank the Olympic committee.

Looks like a clown, specifically Ronald McDonald.

Sigh~~when the chief directors themselves are so not classy, how can we possibly hope for the uniform design to be good? Now, I can only say the Olympic torch design was not bad~but the rest, forget about it~

Oh Allah, Bhudda protect me~
For the rest of my life, please do not host the Olympics in Shanghai, disastrous Olympics~
If it must be, please let it be the Winter Olympics~~~

Print DHL on the back and it will be the same as the express delivery company.

Too ugly~Too ugly~Too ugly~Too ugly~Too ugly~Too ugly~Too ugly~Too ugly~Too ugly~Too ugly~Too ugly~

Red color tomato costume~
Yellow color chicken egg costume~

Once you wear it, you will look like a peasant.

My god…North Koreans…

Too foolish, Chinese people’s IQ cannot be that low, can it?

Put a Volkswagen Santana on the back and it would match better.

I have to say, the thinking behind the design was too rigid. “China red”, “national flag yellow”,  simply the colors any designer will choose to use. Very harmonious, very traditional, therefore making everything that is special about China not special. Really sorrowful.

A piece of shit.

This uniform is too embarrassing. I saw the news this morning and was struck by lightning (shocked). How could China’s Olympic uniform have not gotten better since the 70s? Always red and yellow.

Just look at Beijing taxis and you can know Beijing people’s aesthetic standards, ugly all over the place.

The Peasant Olympics

I am so struck by lightning I do not want to say anything.

I reckon these are for the Special Olympics!!!

Motherfucker, this kind of clothes could only be designed by “wai di ren.” Yao Ming entering the stadium will be the biggest tomato scrambled egg!

How did the Chinese die?
Answer: They died of embarrassment.

So ugly I want to die~~~~~we are going to be laughed at by the whole world…

Fuck, lose people’s respect.
Who designed this? Drag him out, first rape him then kill him!

I can forgive everything else, but uniforms that look like tomato scrambled eggs! I will never eat tomato scrambled eggs again!!!!!!

Very delicious, I can eat it a hundred times and not get tired of it!

08/07/27 Update: Someone posted that maybe Shanghainese cannot criticize the uniforms too much because the designer of these uniforms was seen on television with a Shanghai accent. Many horrified Shanghainese immediately responded by accusing him of being a “new” Shanghainese or just someone who wants to pretend to be Shanghainese.

08/07/27 Update: There have been some posts praising the uniforms saying that they look good. Usually, there are replies by people accusing those posters of being “wu mao dang.” One funny reply was like: “Wu Mao brother, ugly is ugly, there is no need to ridiculously claim it is good looking.”


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