
Kitten Killers Return – chinaSMACK - digg china

In early 2006, pictures from a video of a Chinese woman wearing a sexy dress and high-heel shoes appeared on the internet. In the video, the Chinese woman uses her high-heel shoes to step on and kill a little kitten.

High heel Chinese kitten killer?

Earlier this week, pictures of this woman using high-heels to “crush” another poor kitten were posted on the internet again. I have put all the pictures at the bottom of this post, on page two, if you want to see them. They are very violent, disgusting, disturbing, and worse than the pictures in from the “first” high-heel kitten killer.

High heel kitten killer with kitten playing with heel

Everyone who has seen these pictures are shocked, angry, and outraged. Many are demanding that the human flesh search engines find out who she is, find her, and bring her to justice like last time. Here are some of the replies on the 163.com BBS Forum topic, “Wicked cat abusing woman reappears, more malicious than the last one! Too cruel to watch:”

She’s inhuman.

I’m going to vomit.

Society’s scum! Human trash! How did her family give birth to such a bitch!

What she did to the cat should be done to her. First kill her then tear apart her stomach.

Start the human flesh search engines! Let this perverse woman be exposed! Let her be punished by everyone!

Sick-minded~~~~~what is wrong with this world?

Who knows who this bitch is? Find her and kill her. Inhuman.

Humans who have lost reason become the cruelest animals.

What about the person filming this? That person is also perverse. Let us curse these scum together and hope that they will meet the same fate in the future.

Cats have souls too. Scum like you will one day face retribution.

Motherfucker…how can this person live with herself? She should beware being abused after she’s dead. This kind of person deserves to be raped and killed. After killing her, rape her again. After raping her, kill her again…

May the woman be the cat and the cat be the woman in the next life.

Everyone think of a way to find this person: Where is she from? What is her job? Where does she live? Phone number? Let’s make an example out of her.

This news soon reached the Shanghai KDS Forum in a topic called “I’m scared to look. This kind of person will not die an good death.” The poster included a link to the 163.com BBS, and also posted pictures of someone burning a kitten inside a cage. There are hundreds of replies with reactions similar to 163.com:

downloading The 18th level of hell was prepared for them.

Kitten killer karma

I hope their family burns and no one comes to rescue them.


The life of this kind of woman is worth less than the life of this cat.

downloading If I knew earlier, I would not have come in.

My heart hurt watching this. This kind of person will go to hell. downloading

Human flesh search engine starting…

However, because many of the people on KDS are Shanghainese, there were also some different and interesting comments. In history, Shanghai has always been a big city that is more modern and open than most other places in China. So, many Shanghainese think they are superior and more civilized than anyone who is not Shanghainese. They often think anyone who is a “wai di ren” (outsider) is automatically an uncivilized “xiang xia ren” (country people) or “nong min” (peasants).

Some of their responses to this news show that:

Perverse “wai di ren” are many. Everyone be careful when making friends. You cannot usually be sure what they are like.

Wai di ren” are uncivilized. So scary.

I increased my insurance 500,000 RMB just to prepare against “wai di ren.”

Wow, what the fuck? You guys found a way to make fun of “wai di ren” with this too.

These abnormal things are done by “wai di ren,” lacking education, an impoverished life, ignorant and perverse.

The pictures: (Warning: graphic)

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