
Wenzhou Man Beats Pregnant Woman Over Ice Cream Cone – digg china

From wzdsb.net:

December 20, around 4:10 in the afternoon, as a result of being refused delivery of an ice cream cone, Huang X charged into a Yueqing City [in Wenzhou City of Zhejiang Province] Do & Me store, smashed two of the store’s cash registers, and beat the 2-month pregnant store manager Miss Chen multiple times. On the night of the 22nd, Huang X surrendered himself to Yueqing police.

A request for a human flesh search was posted on Mop (over 30 pages or ~3000 responses).

The ice cream cone cost 3 RMB.

Comments from wzdsb.net:


This man is essentially a beast,
like he was on chicken blood.
Men should never hit women anyway,
much less a pregnant woman,
much less over an ice cream cone~~~~


Those male co-workers were truly stupid cunts, able to tolerate even this! Those male co-workers also have responsibility/liability, they should apologize to the store manager!


That many people, all watching a pregnant woman getting beaten…
makes me think of when the Japanese were invading China.


Hope the police strictly punish. Watching the video, he definitely was not drunk and was definitely clear-headed.


Simply crazy~!
This kind of person should be executed.


Update, to male staff who stood by and did nothing have been fired.
The pregnant woman, while being beaten, begged the two male staff for help, but they did not rush up to help.


Why were those male service staff standing there completely indifferent! That the attacker is garbage is a given, but those store staff were wrong too.


After watching so much, that guy probably drank too much.
In the end I was no longer watching that guy’s actions,
only watching what the male co-workers were doing.


The garbage amongst men.


That guy is society’s scum…I hate those kind of people…reflect on yourself in prison…detestable…


I registered just for this post~~I really don’t get it, what are those people standing there for~~

That is a man hitting a woman, and this woman did not even fight back. Is this the Roman Coliseum?

The men and women there, all without the sense of justice people should have~~ These indifferent customers, these indifferent coworkers. Where are your consciences? Where are your eyes?


I also registered just for this post. There were so many service staff around, and even with so many male staff amongst them. Forget fighting, are they not even able to block a single person?

The male attacker, Huang X, says he had drank too much that day:

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