
Koreans Seek More Chinese Character Education, Reactions – digg china

On Tiexue, the post title is: “Korean assembly shouts ‘long live Chinese characters‘, demanding attention for Chinese character education”. On Mop, the title is: “This is not a dream! Korean students scream ‘Long live Chinese characters!’

Koreans at a rally in support of Chinese character education.

A crowd of Koreans rallying for Chinese character education.

A Korean woman holds up a sign for Chinese character education.

A Korean woman holds a sign for Chinese character education.

A Korean crowd in support of Chinese character education.

Comments from Tiexue:


They’re not thinking of telling the world that Chinese characters were created by them again, are they?


Agree with the above, I’m thinking the same thing~ However, it is right…we’re all Chinese. They’re our descendants after all.


This is just the bangzi preparing a rally to steal Chinese characters, and soon will say Chinese characters were also created by them, that they first used them. A shameless country is capable of anything.


Who told you guys to abandon Chinese? Now you know how serious the consequences are, right? Without Chinese, you can’t even completely express yourself in speech, unable to express yourself. Learn from the Japanese, the Japanese applying to be civil servants all need to learn Chinese ancient history, memorizing the four Confucian classics. Those who do not learn Chinese in Japan are considered lacking in character, unable to even become a civil servant.


I won’t say anything, but if they truly dare to say they created Chinese characters, I will go become a human bomb tomorrow.


Actually, we should all learn complex/traditional characters. That is the true Chinese characters…

having evolved through culture/time.


Why learn Chinese characters, just learn your own. After all, you guys are the world’s originators of culture/civilization.


The Koreans are thinking, in the future, Chinese characters will become a common language in the world, so now they are preemptively claiming that it is their own country’s ancestral language.


It’s over! It’s over!!!

Chinese characters will soon become their’s too!!!


Korean bangzi are not much different from lunatics. Even the Japanese scorn them.


Deny them learning Chinese culture, Chinese characters, everything Chinese.

Learn new languages. chinaSMACK personals.

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