
Shanxi Student Reports Porn Websites, Earns 10,000 RMB – digg china

From NetEase:

Summary: The National “Anti-Pornography” Office held an awards ceremony on January 8 to reward and encourage meritorious reporters. A university student from Shanxi Province, Little Zhang, as a result of submitting a letter reporting over 32 obscene and pornographic websites, received a 10,000 yuan big reward. In his reporting letter, Little Zhan claimed that pornographic websites have caused 6 of the 8 school mates in his dorm room to have had sexual experience, with two of them having had girls have abortions.

Comments from NetEase:


Brother, you sure know a lot of porn websites…


The anti-pornographic campaign is something we all support, but what you said about 6 people out of 8 having had sexual experiences makes me think you are a little abnormal. Having gone to college, having reached that age, we are going to have sexual desires, we are not saints, we will also imagine/fantasize, and also having reached the age of finding girlfriends, isn’t having had sexual experience a very normal thing? This really makes me think you are really weird.


In 1999, I went to university. At that time, the internet had just begun becoming popular, and everyone’s interests wasn’t on pornographic websites either but generally just to chat, although of the 8 brothers in our dorm room, I think all of us had sexual experiences already. I say these things only to tell everyone that college students will all have sex experiences whether there are porn websites or not.


…[I'm] speechless. When I was in university, of the eight people in my dorm only 2 had had sexual experience by the time we graduated. I’m so behind, so ashamed!!!


Just graduated from college, and I felt that those guys who date girls, even having sexual relations, visit porn websites less than other people, maybe because they don’t have time…and those who visit porn websites a lot are usually those who don’t have girls…


[They] should protect the reporter’s privacy!!!


There are only virgin university boys, no virgin university girls.


I am a university student, I always watch Xin Wen Lian Bo [a CCTV news program] daily, and seeing the country develop so much, I am deeply inspired.


To have sexual experiences is very normal, but not being careful and causing girls to become pregnant and have abortions, then you are just a beast!!!


How did find 32 websites? How come I can’t even find one?


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